Spiritual Life

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Daily Instruction

The students of Our Savior Lutheran are exposed to God's word on a daily basis through formal Religion instruction and devotion. Faculty and staff also weave reminders of God's Promises through all aspects of our school life.


Our Savior Lutheran students participate in praise and worship during chapel time on Wednesdays each week. Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade attend chapel from 8:40 to 9:15 a.m. on chapel days. Pastors, teachers and guest speakers lead our chapel services, and on many occasions, students will take part in leading the service through readings, skits, and music. Participating in chapel offerings is another way our students learn to be Christ's hands and feet to various organizations in our community.

Baptismal Birthdays

Baptismal birthdays are recognized each month in chapel and serve as a reminder to the students that they have received God's promise of salvation.


Prayer is an important part of faith life for all Children of God. Our Savior Lutheran students take part in prayer multiple times throughout the school day including after devotions, before meals, during times of praise of thanksgiving, and in times of sorrow.